Tuesday, August 21, 2012

First Day

Just wanted to take a minute on my first "real" day off from work since I returned after maternity leave to give you an update!  Today was the day!  Justin started Kindergarten!  He was so excited and did excellent.  So did mommy!  Justin is in the afternoon Kindergarten this year.  Don and I walked Justin down the road to the school today at 1:30 to meet his teacher, put away his supplies, meet the bus driver and walk around the school.  His teacher seems so nice and is a graduate of EIU so I'm sure she is just as smart as Don and I.  She of course graduated a lot more recent than Don and I, but that is okay, that will just mean what she has learned is still at the forefront of her mind!

Justin was so excited to learn 3 of his Tiny Treasures day care friends are in his class!  This was so good to know.  He has attended Tiny Treasures since he was 9 months old and a few of the kids in his class have been there just as long. This made me think of his first days at Tiny Treasures.   He was old enough to have stranger anxiety and I felt so bad leaving him in a room filled with teachers and babies that he didn't know nor did I know!   He cried and I could hear him crying as I left the building.  So  horrible.  I thought, I will give this a week!  5 years later!!  When Justin was around 1 1/2, he would play at home with Little People.  He named his Little People after his friends at daycare and for the most part, he was right one as far as what Little Person was who at school.   Tiny Treasures has been a great 2nd home to Justin.  He looks forward to learning and playing there every day.  I love the staff and they have made Don and I so comfortable when it comes to caring for our children 5 days a week!  I would have never thought his firsts there would make todays transition so easy!  I know a lot of Tiny Treasures staff members read this, so Thank you!

Justin will take the bus from Tiny Treasures to and from school 5 days a week.  I think he looks forward to this part more than the school part.  But in all seriousness, he can not wait to learn to read!!   I can't wait to see what all happens this coming year for him!  This is huge and it felt so good to see his HUGE smile today!

I'm feeling good!  So good in fact that I did the grocery shopping last night after the kids were in bed, came home, cut and washed all of the Organic produce we purchased and even got up with Ryan at 4 am!  Today I even cleaned our bathroom!  WOW!  Don't think it hasn't been cleaned, it is just a first for me since I have been sick.  After the walk down to the school though and sitting there and getting really HOT, I decided I may have over done it.  So relaxing the rest of the day.  Back to work tomorrow and Thursday and then chemo Friday.

Enjoy your Tuesday!

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