Saturday, April 19, 2014

Busy Week

Good Afternoon!

What an eventful week for the Naughton family!  Well, as eventful as Lisa visiting, grandparents day, fundraising, chemo, egg decorating and blood transfusions go!

Wednesday was an eventful day for me as Lisa came up to visit.  She cuddled and played with Kaner all day.  (yes we still have the puppy)  It was great to catch up with her.  We text all the time, but her busy graphic design company (longfellowdesign on Facebook) and my busy schedule of chemo keep us apart far to often.  Wednesday was also grandparents day at Justin's school.  Nana and Papa Naughton both joined Justin for a fun game of bingo and then went to his classroom for more fun and games.  We ended the night with Justin's final basketball practice.

Thursday I was privileged to have our good friends Al and Jill join me for chemo.  They were so fun to have there to talk to and keep my mind busy.  Chemo starts every time with blood work to make sure my levels are okay for treatment.  This week was a little different because they put me in a room that had a GIANT chair….Don't believe me, check out the pictures!  Quickly after my blood work one of the lab workers came to the room and showed my nurse some reports and I knew then I was in trouble for something.  Come to find out my red blood cell levels were low.  My nurse explained this is probably from the previous chemo drug since your red blood cells don't mature and die off (I may not be saying this right) for 90 days.  So I was quick to point out that this is not my fault since my last blood transfusion was 90 days or fewer ago.  So in fact it was that poor donors blood that caused me to have low levels and not Amber!  The good news was I was still able to get chemo, it just meant that I would need to return on Friday for a blood transfusion.  Chemo went well and following that Al and Jill took me out for lunch.  It was great to just catch up with them and talk about something other than what is going on with cancer.

Thursday evening was spectacular!!  With our friends helping arrange for donations for the benefit on May 4th, our friends Dan and Michele were cool enough to get a local restaurant to set up a fundraiser Thursday evening where 10% of every bill was donated to us.  Don and I went with the kids.  Earlier in the week the New Lenox newspaper came out and interviewed me about my cancer story and the upcoming benefit.  They wanted to get some pictures at Gatto's Thursday night so we attended to eat, take pictures and visit with friends and family.  Following dinner our great family and friends stayed and had a follow up meeting for the upcoming benefit. 

Friday I reported to my infusion chair at 11:00.  I received 2 pints of blood which takes about 4 1/2 hours.  The first half I slept through but eventually woke up and was pretty bored and I have decided I am not a fan of TLC's "Say Yes to the Dress".  Horrible show!  After my transfusion I had to head to the cancer center for my shot to help boost my levels and then off to Target to get some last minute Easter treats:)  Nana and Papa Naughton kept the kids last night so Don and I rented Wolves of Wall Street and I stayed up for the entire movie!

Today was soccer and resting.  It is gorgeous outside so we all went to soccer practice and Ryan met some friends at the park right by the soccer field.  Justin was excited to get his soccer jersey.  He is #4!  His team is the Panthers and he is so far really enjoying it!  Games will start at the end of the month. Easter Sunday tomorrow at the Naughton's house with the Goodnights and Marrone's (My sister in laws mom and dad and sister and husband) It looks like another nice day so hopefully we can spend the day outside.

This week is Justin's spring break.  He is booking up fast which is awesome!  I am treatment free this coming week.  Just an appointment on Thursday for a check up.  I am looking forward to spending some time with Justin while he is off school and hopefully having some extra energy since I received some good blood yesterday!

Happy Easter!


P.S. If you live in New Lenox, don't forget to check out the New Lenox Patriot on Wednesday!  Also, if you haven't already done so and plan to go to the benefit on May 4th, please do your best to purchase your tickets in advance.  My friends and family planning this are trying to be as accurate as possible when giving a head count to Bourban Street.  Also to ensure there are plenty of volunteers to work the event the day of.  It will be the best event in 2014 so you don't want to miss out!!

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